Sailed through the placement of a G-feeding tube. Based on first-hand participation, Thursday was pretty much a textbook example of a G-tube surgical procedure. Our daughter, Kathryn, left San Francisco early Thursday morning to drive to the hospital. She arrived shortly after we were taken to pre-op day surgery. I changed into the typical over-size hospital gown. The anesthesiologist met with us to discuss his plan—he would remain in the operating room (OR) on standby in the event he needed to administer anesthesia. Finally, the young, female, interventional radiologist carefully reviewed the procedure while allowing time for questions. I inquired about a MIC-KEY* (see below). Typically, a MIC-KEY is inserted several weeks post-op. The interventional radiologist said it was her intention, if possible, to insert a MIC-KEY during Thursday’s procedure. Success would be dependent on the thickness of my stomach wall and what size MIC-KEYs were available—they come in many sizes but not all are stocked in the French Hospital OR.
Our MIC-KEY* Low-Profile Gastrostomy Feeding Tube is a step up from a standard gastrostomy feeding tube. When designing it, we listened to many enteral feeding consumers who requested a tube that would allow for an active and more mobile lifestyle. They told us it should be unobtrusive, easy to conceal under clothing and difficult to dislodge allowing freer movement.
Today, MIC-KEY* is the more mobile person’s ideal feeding tube choice. MIC-KEY* allows both children and adults to enjoy life to the fullest while ensuring their nutritional health and well-being.
An attendant wheeled my bed to the brightly lit operating room where I would spend the next hour. I was prepped for the procedure. They allowed me to have a pillow under my head to help me breathe easier while in the supine position. Throughout the entire operation, I was fully awake and alert but felt no pain as lidocaine was used to numb my abdomen. It was interesting and eye opening to listen to conversations among the surgical team throughout the procedure. During the final 15 minutes, the interventional radiologist said she was pleased she would be able to install the MIC-KEY as she had the exact size required!
Wheeled back to day surgery post-op to meet up with Jon and Kathryn, I was discharged just after 4:30 p.m. and back home within a half hour. There was considerable pain Thursday night and Friday, but that has become less intense throughout the day. We have been managing my pain with Tylenol and Advil, as needed.
Friday we benefited from the visit of a home health nurse. We are awaiting a delivery of supplies including liquid nutrition. This afternoon we were grateful for a second visit from a nurse on our home health team.
Thank you, each one, for your
prayers and words of encouragement!
Praises to our Lord, the French medical team, Kathryn and Jon, and Leslie, 5 star patient who followed the whole procedure with her usual lively interest.
May the subsequent settling in and routine follow with the same success. Great you have the Mic-Key, and the prospect of greater mobility and sense of secure fit. Oh, Leslie, how we have been thinking of you and felt so close to you. We are grateful for this report, and celebrate its success.
Love, Genevieve and Dolfi
Genevieve and Dolfi ~ Thank you for your heartfelt, encouraging words assuring me of your prayers while cheering me on. Love you both dearly❣️
What an amazing answer to our prayers (hard to pray that BIG) but God has you firmly in his hand and answered incredibly. Love you!!! See you Tuesday, can’t wait!
Julie ~ Thank you for your prayers. It was an experience unlike any other in my life, and everyone at French Hospital who had a part in the procedure was absolutely topnotch!
So glad to hear that you came sailing beautifully through.
Giselle ~ Thank you so much for your encouragement and sweet friendship.
So very thankful that it went well, Leslie. What an inspiration you are as you travel this journey. Praying for His peace and strength to fill you each day as you dwell on His love and faithfulness❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you, Kathrene. I’m thankful the procedure was accomplished so I can focus on healing and learn to use my new MIC-KEY.
The rose you chose to close out your post was beautiful… reminded me of you! Timeless.
So thankful all went so well and you are looking ahead to nutritious intake. Your trust in the Lord, and those He has placed in your life, is a picture of faith. May you only draw closer to the One who loves you so.
Precious Katie ~ Thank you for encouraging me again and again. Praying also for your full recovery as you pray for me. ❤️
So very thankful that all went perfectly, our God is so good❣️
Gary and I continue to pray for you and Jon, sending love and blessings always ❣️
Thank you Vicki and Gary. Your prayers are effective. ❤️
Thanks for the update. Hope the pain diminishes quickly.
BTW, my four-year-old grandniece has had a feeding tube ever since she was born. She’s doing great.
Bonnie ~ Thank you for reminding me about your grandniece. I remember you telling me about that trooper. A little of that kind of encouragement goes a long way with me❣️
OF COURSE you came through it swimmingly… I knew you would. It brings back memories. Such wonderful home health care nurses in our community.
Oh Sharon, thank you for your strong vote of confidence. I completely “get” that my G-tube brings back personal memories. Both home health nurses have been absolutely wonderful. Caring, gentle, and very competent. We are so blessed❣️
Wonderful news that everything went well. Glad pain is lessening. Please email if y’all need any supplies from the stores in LO or SLO.
Teresa ~ Thank you for your offer of help. I will be in touch.
So glad the procedure went so well Leslie. Your courage and determination and taking-it-in-stride attitude are an example for all of your friends to follow. Thank you for letting your light shine in a time when many might only see darkness, proving Apostle John’s words that the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it!
Jerry, how special to hear from you and read your encouraging words. Thank you so much. Thanksgiving blessings to you, Marilyn and family.
So glad to hear the procedure went well. I hope the pain gets less and less everday. You are such an amazing woman and an inspiration to everyone. I have known you and Jon for a long time and you are both very special. If I can help with anything please let me know. I’m so glad that you are keeping us all informed. Take care
Hi Shelly. Welcome to Hound By The Sea! Thank you for posting a comment—let’s me know you’ve been here. We’ve been friends for so long . . . I can’t even recall where we met?! Thank you for your encouraging words and your offer to be of service. We’ll let you know when we think of something you can help with. Enjoy your Thanksgiving Day. ❤️